
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Taming the North Border: Mugwort, poison ivy and other noxious rhizomatic weeds

This is a continuation of a series on what I call my North Border--a wild hillside I share with my neighbor to the north. The first in the series is here, and the second, here.

So, when I began in mid-March, this is what it looked like, from the second floor windows:

Here it is, up close and personal, all rasty:

And, now, after several weekends of work, the worst part of it now covered with landscape fabric. I haven't figured out yet if I'm going to cover the rest.

Since I first wrote about this problem area, I've figured out that my biggest problem plant (other than poison ivy) is mugwort. Here, just below, you can see it popping up all along the edge of the fabric. I'm going to try mowing this area all summer. I've noticed that I don't have any mugwort anywhere we mow regularly, so I'm hoping that I can reclaim this bit for the lawn.

And that's where it stands. 

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