
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wood Window Screens: Close-ups of Alternate Model 1

Hits on the window screen series are at an all time high, no doubt because of the impending summer. That's a reminder to me to go back and finish my close-ups of alternate models, which I initially detailed in this post.

Close-ups of Alternate Model 2 are here. Close-ups of Alternate Model 3 are COMING. And my original model, the one I follow in my own construction is here.

This post is about Alternate Model 1.

This is the only model I'll be showing you that has no exterior signs of dowels or nails at the joins in the frame. It is made with butt joints, and I think that means the butt joint is secured with two interior dowel rods. This is classic butt joint structure, which Wikepedia gives a simple explanation of here, with a simple line drawing, like so:

In any case, since we can't see the interior of this joint, suffice it to say that the frame of this screen is not nailed together from the outside.

This one is also a bit curious, because I can't figure out for certain which is the outside and which is the inside of this screen. So, here is one side of the screen. This side has the classic screen molding, holding in the screening. I think this is the front, or outside of this screen.

A close-up of the upper right corner shows a detail of the screen molding. It also shows you that this odd version of a bug stop is screwed in with screws. This is one of the mysteries of this particular screen, that I don't know why the bug stop is made this way. All I can think of is that it is made to slip up underneath another half storm or screen. Another alternative is that this is a screen for a small window, and we're actually looking at the back or inside of the screen. I don't know.

Here's another shot from a slightly different angle.

And a shot looking down. You can see the line of the butt joint and no sign of nail or dowel.

And so, here is the other side, what I think is the back, or inside of the screen. 

Here's another view of that odd bug stop in close-up.

And, since the top butt joints are obscured by the other stuff going on in this screen, here is a shot of the bottom of this side, just to show again the line of the butt joint.

And, finally, a shot of the edge. This shot is purely to show some historical paint colors. The top layer of paint on this screen is an off white. Now, it's possible that it was white and yellowed over time, which I understand old paints do. So I don't know if this top coat was originally white or off-white. Its definitely off white now. But underneath is the interesting (to me) color, a deep, dark green.

Here it is in close-up. My own window frames were originally painted this green, as are the windows of the main hall in the Methodist Camp across the street. Maybe that is my impetus to go across the street and take some photos of it.

In any case, this close-up is really just to give you a sense of the historical colors I find in and about here, locally.

And that's Alternate Model 1.

Again, as with every single one of my other models, there are zero signs of fasteners, and as I've said on other posts, I feel fairly certain these kinds of screens were secured with turnbuttons. My own take on fasteners is discussed here. If someone has a different idea, please do comment.

And finally, if someone turns this blog post up and has photos of a different kind of window screen construction, I'd be very open to a guest blog post on it. There seems to be a lot of interest in wooden window screens and I think that's amazing, and to be fostered.

For the entire series on making wooden window screens, click on the category "How to Make Wood Window Screens Series", in the Topics list along the right-hand side of the home page. There is also now an index tab at the top of the home page, listing all the posts in sequential order, with a link to each one.

1 comment:

  1. Nice trick.. love how it composed. Most wooden window I’ve seen the joint can easily identify which process they do to have it together. Now I know that there’s a way (a professional traits) to look it smoother without leaving any trace. Good job!

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