
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wood Window Screens: Close-ups of Alternate Model 3

This is the last in my series on close-ups of the three alternate models that I initially detailed in this post.

Close-ups of Alternate Model 2 are here. Close-ups of Alternate Model 1 are here. And my original model, the one I follow in my own construction is here.

This post is about Alternate Model 3, which comes in two versions, I'll call Version A and Version B.

This screen looks deceptively simple, but seems to be in fact one of the more complicated constructions The frame is put together with a form of butt joint. The screening is held in with a bit of trim inset into a rabbet in the frame, just like my original model. The joints are held together on the outside with nails and angle irons.

However, the corners of the frame go together in a kind of pinwheel fashion. If you zoom in on the front, you will see that the top and bottom stiles are not symmetrical, but rather, well, I don't have a word for it, the four corners rotate in what I'd call it a pinwheel fashion.  And I've got no idea what is going on the inside of these joints. Let me try to demonstrate with photos.

So, here is the front. If you look closely, you can see that the piece of wood that makes up the top stile is not symmetrical. On the left, it stops short and is framed by the left stile coming all the way up to the top edge. On the right, it goes all the way out to the right edge. Whether or not there is a dowel rod in there, don't know. And, how the rabbet works is not clear, because the inside back of the joint is covered by the angle fastener. So, the inner workings of these joints is a mystery to me.

In any case, here is the back.

Here, from the front is a detail of the front upper right hand corner. You can see the nail on the top edge, holding the joint together.

And, several more close-ups of that corner.

Here is the back view of that same corner:

Now, we'll move around the joint of the frame in clockwise fashion, so here is the front right bottom corner:

And the back of that joint:

Here is the front bottom left corner:

The back of that joint:

And, last, the front top left corner:

And, the back of that joint:

Here is a close-up of the interior of a corner on the back, showing the angle fastener in more detail.

And a view looking down at the front, to give you a better view of the trim that is inset into the rabbet.

All of that was Version A. Version B looks to have had what I call a "bug stop" added sometime later (for more on what I've named the "bug stop", see my post here.) Ingenious, I say, to whoever thought up this addition. So, here is the front, identical to Version A.

And, here is the back, with a bit of shoe molding tacked on to make a bug stop!

And, last, some close-ups of that.

And that's Alternate Model 3.

Again, as with every single one of my other models, there are zero signs of fasteners, and, as I've said on other posts, I feel fairly certain these kinds of screens were secured with turnbuttons. My own take on fasteners is described in detail in this post.

And finally, if someone has photos of a different kind of window screen construction, I'd be very open to a guest blog post on it.

For the entire series on making wooden window screens, click on the category "How to Make Wood Window Screens Series", in the Topics list along the right-hand side of the home page. There is also now an index tab at the top of the home page, listing all the posts in sequential order, with a link to each one.

1 comment:

  1. I follow other of your post and these definitely great tips to share! Thanks for sharing Sherry!

    Just like to share an article related also to windows.. What’s the deal with energy efficient vinyl windows? Are they really worth it?

